Alcoholic Nose Explained (Gin Blossom Nose and Rhinophyma)

Alcoholic Nose
Gin Blossom Nose

Alcoholism is a recurring societal problem that has transcended time, so much so that it impacts our health even in the smallest ways possible. The development of "alcoholic nose," "gin blossoms," or "drinker's nose" has become a cause of concern for most people throughout the years, and continues to impact the mental wellness of many

Transcend Recovery Community is here to shed light on this issue and share with you everything you need to know about this and what you can do to help you from this condition. Continue reading below.

What Is Rhinophyma (Alcoholic Nose & Gin Blossom Nose)?

Rhinophyma is the known medical term for the common word meaning "alcoholic nose." This condition is often characterized by a huge, bumpy nose that contains a red or purple tint. Alcohol nose syndrome also goes by different names.

  • Drinker's nose
  • Gin blossom nose
  • Bulbous nose
  • Old Man nose
  • Gin nose
  • Pickle nose
  • Whiskey nose
  • Cauliflower nose
  • Toros nose
  • Gin blossoms
  • Potato nose

Although most people often thought that the bulbous nose condition is often associated with drinking alcohol, the red nose condition stems from a chronic skin condition called "rosacea." It causes the skin to be red and swollen and brings about an acne-like lumpy appearance.

It's crucial to remember that while you may get flushing and red bumps from drinking alcohol, a severe form of rosacea symptoms may appear while not unrelated to excessive alcohol consumption.

If a person continuously suffers a skin disorder every time they drink alcohol, they must consult with a dermatologist and a known specialist to check whether there are other underlying skin conditions or health conditions that should be addressed as a result.

What Causes Alcoholic Nose?

two old men drinking liquor which is the main cause of alcoholic nose or rhinophyma

An alcoholic nose may be caused by various factors which may or may not occur to everyone. It's important, however, that these different causes be surveyed to ensure that a proper diagnosis has been done. Here are some of the most common causes surrounding rhinophyma nose development.

  • Excessive drinking - Although this may seem like a more obvious reason, flushing skin as you consume alcohol is said to flare up the condition.
  • Family history - If there is a medical history that a relative or a family member is prone to rosacea flare-ups or just plain flushed skin when they drink alcohol, it's more likely that you would have the same condition and manifest the same symptoms as well.
  • Race and genetics - The root cause for this condition may also be seen in a person's ancestry or genetics. Rhinophyma develops mostly in fair-skinned people, especially those who are of European heritage.
  • Poor diet and body imbalance - When you don't eat right and don't sleep well, chances are it's easier for you to develop rhinophyma. It's one of the other triggers that may agitate your skin because of a weakened immune system.
  • Stress and depression (mental health issues) - People undergoing a mental health crisis are prone to having severe rosacea as stress is a key contributor to your body going haywire. It's just one of alcohol's effects on health that you should always watch out for.

If you think that rosacea and rhinophyma are what you have, you should contact your physician and discuss this right away. A licensed medical professional should be able to identify the signs and symptoms, just by examining the physical appearance of the nose.

Side Effects of Rhinophyma

Besides the unsightly appearance of the nose due to alcohol addiction, there are other effects of rhinophyma that you should watch out for more than it is merely a "red nose," "bulbous nose," or "drinker's nose."

Here are some of the side effects that rhinophyma may bring not just to your skin, but to your entire system.

  • Aesthetics - In severe cases where too much alcohol was consumed, this could be the ultimate and obvious concern when rhinophyma occurs to your skin. As discussed earlier, this skin condition from consuming alcohol or too much alcohol pervades a person's skin health.
  • Confidence - Having an outward condition caused by alcohol abuse such as rhinophyma may prove to be devastating for an individual. It may affect their daily life and how they conduct themselves, especially at work or in school.
  • Isolation - Having rosacea flare-ups even in advanced cases of alcohol use disorder is enough to drive someone to become alone due to a lack of confidence. It's also enough to have them draw back from enjoying life and engaging in social activities due to the symptoms that they are experiencing as a heavy drinker or through alcohol abuse.

Rhinophyma and Alcohol Treatment

Rhinophyma is a treatable condition with various treatment options present at hand. Through proper diagnosis and prescription, you can clear your skin and nose from unwanted large bumps, rosacea flare attacks, dry skin, and a "purple nose," among other things.

Here are the possible treatments that you could pursue the elimination of rhinophyma and rosacea.

  • Medication - topical and oral antibiotics helped to reduce inflammation and thickened skin could be used, such as metronidazole, sulfacetamide, tetracycline, erythromycin (Erythrocin Stearate), and minocycline (Minocin). However, it will not work for moderate to worse cases of ocular rosacea and rhinophyma.
  • Surgical treatments - It's considered highly successful for most cases and brings long-term effects for rosacea and rhinophyma elimination. It may involve scalpel surgery, laser resurfacing, cryosurgery (intense cold removal), or dermabrasion (using a small rotating tool to take off topical skin layers). Through surgery, you can reshape a disfigured nose, minimize enlarged blood vessels, and improve the overall aesthetics of your nose.

Alcohol treatment, on the other hand, comes in various forms. People can choose the right treatment program. Similar to Cymbalta withdrawal treatment, you can get better from chronic alcohol use. Let's look at some of the options.

  • Detoxification - Tapering alcohol use is a surefire way of not just getting rid of toxins that built up in the body due to constant alcoholism, but also the substance of your system. It may take at least two to seven days, with medication (if needed) for some withdrawal symptoms.
  • Behavioral therapy - solo or group session therapy allows an individual to process their addiction better. Talking to a counselor or a sober escort is also introduced post-rehab as part of reliable after-care programs.
  • Life skills development - Changing the way people view their addiction through a life skills program not only enriches their lives but also helps them shift their focus into something more productive and empowering.

Always remember that these conditions will affect your life and impact your environment and relationships in many ways if left untreated. Therefore, talking to a licensed professional or a mental health counselor can help you process your condition easier.

Can Transcend Assist you with Alcohol Treatment?

While Transcend Recovery Community does not have actual inpatient and outpatient treatment programs to help people with alcohol-related issues, it has solid supplemental support through a wide array of services it offers to clients.

Through its sober living and halfway house residential arrangements, you can get better with the help of trained staff and fellow residents who understand what you're going through. You are lifted by a community that understands your needs and validates your experience throughout your recovery journey.

Should you like to know more about what we offer and how we can help, don't hesitate to contact us today. Our recovery specialist will be with you to guide you on the crucial first steps.

Transcend Recovery Community

Transcend Recovery Community family of sober living homes provides a safe place for those undergoing mental health and addiction treatment to live with like-minded peers. Our community-based approach to sober living (similarly to a halfway house) facilitates an open and welcoming environment, where members, staff and team can provide support and encouragement on the path to a sober and healthy life. Transcend's Los Angeles sober living homes are located in some of the most iconic areas of the city, filled with luxurious and upscale amenities, providing plenty to do for those in our transitional housing community.

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