At Home Alcohol Detox Guide

Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol Detox

US statistics show that 14.5 million Americans suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder. Hence, many people practice "detox from alcohol at home." However, it's important to note that it's never safe to self-detox without proper medical supervision.

This dangerous practice can lead to life-threatening health risks that could be avoided through a medically-supervised detoxification program. Transcend Recovery Community shares useful information on this and what you should know about alcohol at-home detox. Continue reading to find out more.

Can I Detox from Alcohol at Home?

While "At-Home Detox" is not advised, especially when you treat alcohol withdrawal, self-detox or home detox can still be done safely. Before pushing through, you must do these important tips to help you better execute your self-detox regimen.

  • Remove all alcohol away from your house.
  • Clear your schedule to better focus on detox.
  • Get ample support from loved ones.

As you focus on withdrawal and your alcoholism, you should observe the following as part of your self-detox:

  • Hydrate yourself with water
  • Start with a balanced diet and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Load up on vitamins and minerals to help your body recover well.

The absence of a treatment facility hinders you from receiving medical attention, especially during a self-detox emergency. If all else fails, interventions should be your last resort.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal may not be so different from drug withdrawal symptoms, such as with K2, for instance. Withdrawal symptoms happen once the detox process has begun. Most often, it can be very painful or uncomfortable to the individual suffering.

Withdrawal symptoms may also range from mild to severe. Alcohol use disorder may be different for each person. That's why detoxing from alcohol may bring an added problem such as alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Here are some of the most common psychological or physical symptoms of alcohol withdrawal:

  • anxiety
  • shaky hands
  • vomiting
  • insomnia
  • headaches

There are cases when withdrawal symptoms may worsen through time, to the point that it gets harder to manage alcohol withdrawal symptoms for an individual. When that happens, they may encounter more severe forms of withdrawal symptoms caused by their alcohol detoxification.

Here are some of the extreme alcohol withdrawal signs that a patient may encounter:

  • high blood pressure
  • intense alcohol cravings
  • elevated heart rate
  • fever
  • heavy sweating
  • delirium tremens

As this worsens, relapse may come into play—especially if a patient has weak emotional support from their loved ones or family members. A successful alcohol withdrawal not only involves detoxing from alcohol, but strong willpower to stop drinking.

Additionally, an individual must be aware of the alcohol withdrawal timeline which they may consult through professional help.

At Home Alcohol Detox Risks

a man who is moving away from alcohol drinking as part of her at home alcohol detoxification

While people may think that detoxifying alcohol at home is a good idea, it is harder to accomplish as you have to consider many factors to make your at-home detox entirely successful.

Here are some of the at-home alcohol detox risks that a person may encounter, especially if they don't consult their planned detox with a medical professional

  • seizures
  • hallucinations
  • dangerous levels of high blood pressure and heart rate
  • delirium tremens

Delirium tremens is a crucial risk that individuals should watch out for carefully. It is a life-threatening condition and is a severe form of alcohol withdrawal for an individual. It may last up to 5 days when left untreated.

People who are at risk of developing this include:

  • people with chronic alcohol use.
  • presence of other medical complications.
  • increased blood alcohol levels.
  • people who are above 30 years old.

While detoxifying from alcohol at home may be effective for some people, you should still consult the opinion of medical professionals when detoxifying alone. That way, other facets of addiction treatment, such as relapse prevention, may also be considered along the way.

Working with a rehab center under medical supervision allows you to get the proper medical care and attention needed for your situation.

General Alcohol Detox Questions

How long does it take for me to detox from alcohol?

  • This may vary for each individual depending on the severity of their alcohol addiction and the effectiveness of their alcohol addiction treatment.

Can I just go cold turkey rather than undergo medical detox for alcohol withdrawal?

  • As easy as it may sound, you still need professional medical advice to let your body cope better and avoid severe health conditions when stopped abruptly.

What should I look for in an alcohol detox center?

  • A treatment facility should have licensed medical professionals, a good pre and post-rehab program to cover all bases for each patient, and complete facilities to properly execute treatment options.

How Do I Detox My Body After Drinking?

To avoid health complications, it's wise to detox from alcohol at home by following simple and doable steps that are practical and wouldn't break the bank. These can also be done without necessarily being an alcoholic.

People who have consumed large amounts of alcohol or are conscious of getting alcohol in their body may also use the following tips to help them better flush away the alcohol away from their system.

Take plenty and restful sleep while you can. As alcohol causes a lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep, it's best to follow a good sleep schedule to help your body recuperate properly

Don't forget to hydrate. As alcohol is known to cause dehydration, drinking enough fluids combats the ill effects of your last drink. It's best to always drink water and avoid sugary drinks or caffeinated drinks, except for electrolyte drinks that help retain water in your system.

Sweat the alcohol out. Regular and moderate exercise helps flush out the toxins naturally while also supporting the liver in excreting alcohol toxins from your body.

How Long Does it Take to Flush Alcohol Toxins?

Just like many other substances, the amount of time to flush away alcohol toxins depends on the amount of alcohol you've consumed. To better understand how our body retains alcohol, you may refer to the information below:

  • A small shot of liquor = 1 hour
  • A pint of beer = 2 hours
  • A large glass of wine = 3 hours
  • A few bottles of beer or cocktails = several hours

Can I Detox from Alcohol in 24 Hours?

During the 24 hours after a person's last drink, the body will be busy at work in flushing out the toxins or detoxing from alcohol, so to speak. While it is possible, there are factors that you must consider as well.

Factors like the amount of alcohol consumed, and substance use that coexisted while drinking alcohol, should be considered too.

You should always talk to a healthcare professional when considering self-detox as proper medical supervision can avoid you from further injuries. Should you encounter any adverse effects, you should always seek medical attention right away.

What Are the Stages of Alcoholism Recovery?

Similar to substance use disorder when taking other drugs, alcohol recovery can be broken down into several stages. There are 4 stages of alcoholism recovery that feature the following:

  1. Treatment initiation - It refers to the early stages when an individual reaches out for medical help and is seeking treatment. During the first phase, the AUD (alcohol use disorder) is further diagnosed and the treatment program is discussed by the recovery specialist carefully with the individual.
  2. Early Abstinence - The patient starts to detoxify themself from alcohol or other substances. This phase is crucial as intense cravings and symptoms may pop up. There's a higher risk of relapse that can happen especially if a person's willpower is challenged.
  3. Maintaining Abstinence - After a rigid 90-day program, the next challenge is to continue their sobriety post-treatment. Transitioning carefully with the help of sober living arrangements may benefit the patient in many ways.
  4. Advanced Recovery - Provided the treatment program was effective and the patient successfully passed all stages, the next goal should be to work on long-term recovery and take in all the tools, skills, counseling, and learnings from the treatment rehab program.

Seeking professional help and inpatient/outpatient treatment alongside adequate support from a loved one or family member dictates the success of these stages. Additionally, joining a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous while observing a healthy lifestyle (eating healthy foods/observing a healthy diet with moderate exercise) can help in long-term recovery.

Can Transcend Assist in Alcohol Detox?

Transcend Recovery Community can assist an individual as they safely detox from their alcoholism disorder. Through their partnership with many affiliate partners and by providing transitional housing, individuals may recover better and get the support they need from a community of like-minded people and licensed specialists.

While this mental health disorder may be difficult due to many behavioral health conditions to consider, a patient can safely detox knowing that they can get all the guidance they need from professionals and healthcare providers. You can visit places in Houston, Los Angeles, and New York, and get all the support you need through these various locations.

Never lose hope as there is still a way. Contact us today to help you with your sobriety journey.

Transcend Recovery Community

Transcend Recovery Community family of sober living homes provides a safe place for those undergoing mental health and addiction treatment to live with like-minded peers. Our community-based approach to sober living (similarly to a halfway house) facilitates an open and welcoming environment, where members, staff and team can provide support and encouragement on the path to a sober and healthy life. Transcend's Los Angeles sober living homes are located in some of the most iconic areas of the city, filled with luxurious and upscale amenities, providing plenty to do for those in our transitional housing community.

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