What is ETOH (Ethanol)? Symptoms, Signs, Withdrawals & Treatments

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol use disorder has become a huge problem in the country with a growing number of adults who have succumbed to this social problem. ETOH or Ethyl alcohol is just one of those solvents that have become the culprit for this increase. Today, Transcend Recovery Community will examine closely to help you understand ETOH and how people suffering from addiction can recover right away. Continue reading more.

What is ETOH (Ethanol)?

ETOH is another term referring to ethanol alcohol. It is pure alcohol or an organic solvent popularly used as an ingredient for many industrial products. Apart from its industrial use, such as in rubbing alcohol, Ethanol can also be found in beverages, such as distilled and undistilled spirits.

Alcohol is also a known depressant that slows down nervous system function which may lead to delayed reaction times, cognitive problems, and speech disabilities. At present, more and more people abuse ETOH which may also be worsened when using two or more substances.

Side Effects of ETOH?

Ingesting alcohol, particularly ethanol-laced drinks like beer, wine, and others, may yield various effects on the body that could be life-threatening if not treated or addressed early on.

Here are the common side effects associated with ETOH/alcohol use:

  • Intoxication
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Induced urination
  • Dehydration

It's crucial to realize that when these side effects continue, they may cause serious problems for a person later on in their life. Side effects may also occur differently for people as our bodies are unique and process substances differently from one another.

When a person encounters severe side effects, they must receive medical attention right away to avoid any greater problems.

Ethanol vs. Alcohol

Are you still confused about how you could differentiate ethanol and alcohol from each other? Here are some key differences that you should watch out for.

  • Ethyl or ethanol is a pure form of alcohol. This type of pure grain alcohol is distilled and has antiseptic agents for cleaning and disinfection. It can have an increased alcohol content of up to 70% used in medical facilities and other sterile places.
  • Ethyl alcohol has been kept for the longest time in many facilities, including older ones that do not offer proper handwashing and sanitation options for most medical practitioners, especially when examining a patient. A drop or dollop of ethanol alcohol is enough to provide protection.
  • Industrial-grade ethyl alcohol is mostly available for wider use, such as in offices, medical facilities, and other production or work sites. Although it is beneficial for cleaning and disinfection, it may be deemed dangerous or toxic upon chronic ethanol exposure. It may cause nasal, eye, and throat irritation.
  • Drinking alcohol on the other hand contains lower alcohol by volume. Undistilled spirits or alcoholic beverages such as beer may contain between 4% to 6% alcohol while distilled liquors may range between 40% to 90% (in rare cases).
  • Drinking alcohol also can cause alcohol dependence and may lead to alcohol use disorder. People who regularly engage in excessive drinking or binge drinking may face negative consequences from further alcohol use and even succumb to alcohol poisoning.

Is Drinking ETOH Dangerous?

a man in his middle aged is seen here holding his head and depressed while drinking an etoh on a white table

As with the combination of many Tylenol & alcohol, ETOH consumption is very dangerous. An alcohol abuse problem is imminent and may bring forth short-term health risks too. While small doses of alcoholic beverages aren't bad in themselves, chronic drinking may eventually lead to excessive alcohol use and ultimately develop an abusive drinking pattern—long-term alcohol abuse.

It's also important to understand that alcohol intoxication, in any form of alcoholic drinks, can cause so many difficulties for an individual that may incapacitate them such as affecting their central nervous system and the part of the brain responsible for motor skills and logical reasoning.

Continuous alcohol addiction or ethanol addiction brought about by heavy drinking can cause the following:

  • motor vehicle crashes
  • unprotected sex (alcohol-induced)
  • weakened immune system
  • progression of mental disorders
  • long-term liver damage
  • Respiratory system issues
  • Sleep problems (i.e. trouble sleeping)

The damage may become irreparable as problems arise from ETOH addiction/alcohol abuse. Therefore, an individual must realize this early on to mitigate the risks and the grave damage alcohol might bring to one's system.

Talking to a sobriety expert helps an individual process their alcohol use disorder and persuade them to stop drinking altogether. Interventions may also work especially if concerned friends and family members work closely with treatment providers in staging an intervention to help an individual with their crises with ETOH abuse.

Withdrawal Symptoms from ETOH?

If you suddenly stop to drink alcohol, whether it's just for a few days or spanning weeks or even months, your body will react differently as it has been used to ethanol abuse and ETOH intoxication. Individuals undergoing detox may manifest alcohol withdrawal symptoms as a result which can range from mild to severe.

Here are some of the symptoms that may arise from a person undergoing addiction treatment and substance abuse withdrawal:

  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • High blood pressure
  • Fever
  • High sweating
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating

Although withdrawal from chronic consumption of distilled spirits (such as beer, wine, and other alcohol-laced beverages) is important to achieve sobriety, it's still important to discuss with your medical practitioner how this would be done, especially when gradually tapering alcohol off your system. There may be a need to involve medication use especially if an individual is experiencing moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms.

Treatment for ETOH (Ethanol)

Treatment options for alcohol-induced abuse may come in various forms. Individuals suffering from addiction may choose the right treatment for them that suits their needs and the severity of their case.

Here are some outpatient and inpatient treatment services that one may avail of for long-term sobriety.

  • Detoxification - This process eliminates a person's dependence on alcohol and rids themselves of the toxins that have corrupted their system through time, especially in heavy alcoholic abuse. It is usually done in a drug or alcohol treatment facility. It may begin with behavioral treatment followed by withdrawal in the next months to come.
  • Behavioral therapy - Various behavioral therapy programs may be introduced to a person that would help them change their views toward alcohol use. It may be a one-on-one solo or group session. Group therapy helps individuals process their feelings and experiences with their alcohol abuse better by talking with people who understand what they've been through in that ordeal.
  • Alternative therapy - It may involve the use of various treatments such as art, music, or animal therapy to help individuals cope better with their issues.

It's necessary to receive treatment right away to avoid the development of other mental health problems, such as dual diagnosis disorders. Individuals may also benefit from staying in sober living residences so that they can focus better on their recovery program.

Can Transcend Recovery Community Help with ETOH Abuse?

Although Transcend Recovery Community doesn't offer actual treatment services for mental health issues, it prides itself in providing supplemental services that aim to promote engagement while empowering individuals as they transition to the real world post-rehabilitation.

Transcend's various transitional housing features gender-specific residential arrangements, like women's and men's sober living. People who want a more comfortable residence during recovery that is more upscale from the typical recovery home may also find that luxury sober living could be a great fit for their needs and lifestyle.

All these, including constant support from a team of professionals and residents alike, help a person to face long-term sobriety without great difficulty and with much acceptance. If you'd like to learn more about our offerings, contact us today and let our Recovery Specialists help you with that first step.

Transcend Recovery Community

Transcend Recovery Community family of sober living homes provides a safe place for those undergoing mental health and addiction treatment to live with like-minded peers. Our community-based approach to sober living (similarly to a halfway house) facilitates an open and welcoming environment, where members, staff and team can provide support and encouragement on the path to a sober and healthy life. Transcend's Los Angeles sober living homes are located in some of the most iconic areas of the city, filled with luxurious and upscale amenities, providing plenty to do for those in our transitional housing community.

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